Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Malachi 1 

Compiled interpretation:

Longing to set forth and show His purpose and appoint His counsel, thoughts and will, Yehowah Highest Most High Everlasting Almighty protects and rules.  He joins us to belong to Him in His reconciliation, forgiveness and nourishing.  Teaching and joining us to Him in His power and strength to save and deliver us in friendship.  He cherishes, confirms and redeems us to represent Him in His authority, belonging to Heaven, to speak forth His thoughts and will.  He alone is the Keeper of His charge and children, to save us to communicate His Message of Love and Forgiveness, as ambassadors of Heaven confirmed in Him.

To love, favor, confirm, reconcile and join us  in a relationship of participation and intimacy, to remain permanent with Him.  He is our  devoted and steadfast Companion who rules, keeps and preserves us.  Complete and fully acquainted with, anchored immovable in constancy to endure close, abiding in union, assimilated in full knowledge, co-yoked in harmonious and congruent nature and character.  He governs, defends and protects us to be near and close with us, calling and seeking after us daily.  Desiring to commune, counsel and set forth His care by His Word.  Yehowah Creator Savior Highest Most High Eternal God longs to accomplish His Will and Blessing in us.  How great and incredible His care and unselfish Love, cherishing us in constancy to welcome and receive us in steadfast favor, to attend and remain near to stay with us.  Not another is like unto Him in faithfulness, devotion, permanence, regard and attention, to commit and carry through to fulfill, support, preserve, and save.  Choosing and favoring us to pour out forth His Blessing, to nourish, defend and protect us in His power and occupation.  Being Chief and Pre-eminent to affirm and shine forth by His Word, declaring His will and thoughts to restore.  Yehowah, powerful, strong and able to accomplish according to His Word to bring about fulfillment to completely satisfy and keep in faithfulness, to Love and establish immovable His beloved.  Cherished with attentive union in His favor and companionship, verified to abide and endure in His strength and might.   He saves and appoints us to belong in His steadfast devotion and faithfulness. 

Another near beside, who was favored, taught, ordained and established, but chose to defect in rebellion, violating purity to disrupt harmony and peace.  Choosing deception to exchange and pawn God's Rule for lawlessness, determined to use force to occupy and disrupt.  Choosing evil and wickedness for Good, becoming shameful, naked, uncovered, indecent, debased, polluted and unclean.  Ruthless in his opposition and unwarranted hate, attacking in irreverence, determined to exploit, injure, kill and destroy.  Prideful in his blaming and contradiction, inhumane, brutal, cruel and violent in his montrosities and barbaric unlawful exhibition of force to cause harm and injury.  Desirous and set to rise up above Heaven to dominate, devastate, destroy, waste, ravage, ruin, confuse, oppress, rob, vex, disrupt, ensnare, spoil, damage, invade, wound, exhaust, deplete, strip, discourage, exploit, wrong, harass, and supplant God's occupation and possession.  Unsettling God's inheritance, His Will and Desire, His Order, Rule and Government.  Twisting and distorting with falsehood to steal, kill and destroy God's inheritance and possessions, he vexed, crushed and poisoned God's Word, Communication and established Peace.  Strangulating to bend and overthrow God's relation of particpation and intimacy with us.

Scarring the Word of God and branding mankind, to demolish, oppress and destroy, binding in chains of tyranny, confusion and moral wickedness, to imprison, murder and kill.  "Turn back and away from destruction, return and be refreshed.  Come back to be comforted and restored in relationship to belong to Me.  I redeemed and recovered you from destruction to rebuild again our relationship, naming you My children and heirs.  Choosing to favor you in an unbreakable relationship with Me to belong to me.  I will teach and instruct to direct you Myself, to convey and bear you all the Way.  I will pull down, completely eradicate, utterly destroy, uproot and put an end to remove sin, to undo, defeat and scrape it from the earth."  Calling out by name, asserting ownership and sovereignty in connection, union and favor, to bind, mark and set His seal of ownership over us.  He defends, protects, tends, nourishes, fulfills, satisfies and supports us in remaining and keeping us near with Him.  Declaring, "The wrong doing of my people, flock and family, I make straight and level.  I delivered to save, clearing all charges to vindicate and pronounce my people innocent.  I am Faithful to defend, protect and make right their relationship with me.  To deliver them from all condemnation to entitle each one to My favor and inheritance, to belong to My family.  I will cover and make right all the troubles, disruptions, raging, disturbances and agitations to bring it to an end."  Yehowah Highest Most High Supreme Creator Savior affirmed forever, by His Witness and Word, to attest to His mutual relationship with us, to endure and remain with us continually without end unto eternity, to cover us always.

Having the desire, understanding and moral faculty to regard, choose, recognize, attend to and consider, henceforth always continually, to commune and be reconciled.  Being ruled, governed and regulated, fortified and made strong in Yehowah Highest Most High's Strength, Rule and Might.  He nourishes to preserve and sustain, binding us with His Seal of Approval, to belong to Him in a relationship of partipation and intimacy.  To be kept, defended and protected by Him Who is powerful and strong to prevail And accomplish.

Fortified and built up to be established in our Father's Strength and Wisdom.  Repaired again and enlarged to be numerous and great in God our Founder and Builder, Chief and Lord of all.  Serving Him in gladness, bound in right relationship with God in love and affection, cherished as His beloved.  He alone is Lord and Master, Possessor and Owner, Father of His people.  Longing for and seeking after His Presence to worship Him.  His Majesty and Splendor is our wall of protection and security.  We submit to proper relationship with Him to be kept in full flame, near and close to Him.  To be restored and reconciled to Yehowah Highest Most High Lord of all creation.  His Word Redeemed us from condemnation to establish us in His Name.  He poured out forth Himself as God's Word to suffer great and aweful contempt in His Name.

Bringing near and making room to receive us into His Presence to belong to the Highest Most High Yehowah.  Devoted to feed, provide, care for, nourish, bear and carry us to the end, to redeem, deliver and save.  Protecting, defending and cherishing us in union with Himself to resemble Him.  How great indeed is our Redeemer!!  How awesome and incredible His Salvation of us!!  Sending forth His Word to fulfill and satisfy all claims.  How could you deny and refuse Yehowah Highest Most High God and His Everlasting Existence??

Certain and assured to stand near, receive, care for and tend to the blind, those in the dark, dense and lacking understanding, naked, stripped, helpless and in a deathlike state.  Appointing union with mankind to reconcile, redeem, save, teach, care for and establish us in permanent relationship with Him.  Nourishing and bringing up the fatherless, healing the incurable, oppressed, damaged, hopeless and spoiled.  He ordained in certainty and assurance that no evil will ever come near us.  Indeed, He is standing near with His assurance of redemption, saving and delivering us from harm, freeing and liberating from the enemy's occupation, imprisonment and enslavement.  Passing over to spare and redeem us to enter into God's Presence of the closest and most intimate kind.  Bringing us near in His desire and longing for us, to belong to Him.  Entreating to beseech, as the Highest Most High Lord Almighty, to fully satisfy us in His reconciliation and goodwill.  Joining and completing us in union to carry, care for, nourish and feed us in His forgiveness, pardon, dominion, rulership and preference.  He undertook responsibility for our sins by substitution and representation.  Choosing and calling us by name in His favor to ordain by His Word.  Yehoweh shone forth His Counsel to teach and give light, fulfilling His Salvation to the masses.  Performing to accomplish His Will to bring us home and care for us.  Restoring us to bring forth fruit as Master Owner of everything in His creation.  Powerful, Mighty, Strong and Able to Accomplish according to His Will to Restore us to Himself.

Henceforth straight away, choose and desire to learn and seek after the Presence of Yehowah Highest Most High.  God of Eternity, Steadfast and Faithful to show Mercy and have Compassion to Deliver us in His Power and Might.  He longs for and desires union with His flock to tend, feed, nourish and restore them near to Himself, to be a part of His family.  Reconciled by the Word and Will of Yehowah Highest Most High of all creation, Who gathers and brings us home to care for us.

How Great His Favor toward us, to receive, forgive and pardon all our sins, taking on to Himself the responsibility to find, gather and carry us.  Choosing to hold, keep safe, teach and direct us in His ownership to recover, deliver and save us from evil and harm.  Without His Joy in Giving us Light and Guidance, His Sacrifice to pardon and reconcile us to His side, freely bestowed without conditions, restriction or charge, we would not be suitable nor accepted.  Yehowah Highest Most High Creator Owner Savior appointed and ordained His Deliverance to bring back and name us His heirs.  Without which none would receive favor nor approval to be renewed in a relation of participation and intimacy with Him, in His Power and Affirmation.

Made firm and kept in full flame in God's Presence to be clear, as He marks, teaches and directs us.  He raises us up in His Presence to feed, nourish and tend us in His Rule and Governance.  Affirmed in agreement to enter into union and relationship with Him, He cherishes to strengthen us in His Care to preserve and protect us.  Distinguishing us from the masses to fulfill and establish us in His ownership, to belong to Him.  Making room to receive us into His Presence, choosing to stay and remain near in intimate close union, to reside and dwell with us.  He fulfills to bestow, deliver, save and preserve us pure and sound in His Devotion and Sacrifice, ordaining us to remain permanent in His Authority as His inheritance.  Refining the undisciplined, enlightening the dull and disagreeable, settling the restless and difficult, appointing us near to regulate, teach and govern us as Yehowah Highest Most High Creator Savior of all creation.

You, henceforth straight away, suitably marked, disciplined, taught, instructed, made strong and occupied to belong to Him.  He seeks after and longs for to appoint and send out His Word and Message, to feed and nourish us in His Companionship.  Lord of all creation Highest Most High Eternal God redeemed and delivered to recover and free us from the enemy's occupation and imprisonment.  Reconciling us to Himself to heal, strengthen and return us in union with Him.  Alas!  We may breathe and live again, as He flourishes, prospers and grows us, to enlarge, mature and complete us in His support, care and cultivation.  Fully satisfying and fulfilling to build us up in His Strength, filling our unworthy, inconsistent, incompatible, disagreeable, unsuitable, contentious, despicable natures, consuming and ridding our worthlessness, to bring it to completion in His Provision and Redemption of us.

"Behold, how great and loathsome the distress, suffering and depravity, how horrible the oppression and pain, how awful the wretchedness and immorality!  Seething and going bezerk, wasting and destroying everything, swelling up to annihilate and exterminate.  Counterfeit all puffed up, strangulating and causing groaning, collapse and ruin in sorrow, distress and wailing!"  Yehowah Highest Most High God of all creation ordained to bring us to enter into His ownership and devotion, remaining and staying us in a relation of participation and closeness, joining us in union with Him to belong to Him.  Removing us from woeful destruction to spare us in His Deliverance.  Longing to teach, show forth, guide and lead us to enter into His reception to strengthen and support us.  Satisfying to the full our debt to establish and accept us in His Goodwill.  Choosing us in His Favor to restore us to resemble Him in His Power, Protection and Defense.  Accomplishing through His Word, to complete, cherish, feed and nourish us in Him.  Saving us to belong to Yehowah Highest Most High God as His children and heirs.

Cursing, inflicting harm and damage, acting treacherously, dealing underhandedly to betray, plague and destroy.  Hateful, vindictive, jealous, godless, duplicitous, depraved, vicious, violent, out of control, crushing and terrorizing without mercy.  Corrupt, perverted and distorted in malediction.  Wrecked with pain and suffering, agonizing in despair, scarred, broken, full of violence and disease.  Evil and wickedness has come into existence to take possession and place, to influence and operate.  Marking to scar, taking over to rule, growing, increasing and strong to bind, given wholly to ruin and devoted toward destruction.  Lord God Highest Most High Ruler Master yearn to draw near to Save.  Appointing by His Word, Yehowah Highest Most High says, "I long and groan after to enjoin and reconcile you to belong to Me.  I choose and invite you into my Favor to be near Me.  I Am Yehowah God of all creation, Redeemer and Savior of the nations who are in darkness, imprisoned in the enemy's oppression.  Highest Most High Eternal Supreme Almighty Lord is My Name.  I desire to make you right and permanent in My Power and Authority, to Deliver and Save you."

Definitions derived from:  The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  

* Note:  Each paragraph corresponds to each verse of the chapter.  Another version could be made to flow in its sense without such demarcations, but this one is done to correspond to the original study done in Greek for ease of reference back to the study.

Studies can be referenced at:  www.hebrewandgreekbiblestudies.blogspot.com

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