Monday, May 5, 2014

Revelation 14:17

Interpretation based on the study:  Reciprocating, duplicated in mutual companionship and affection.  Knit together in corresponding resemblance, cherished relating as One by Word, Messenger, Truth, Custodian abundantly completely.  Draw close in complete devotion to remain and stay, authentic, secure, legitimate, kept safe, whole, near beside I AM AS I AM.  Belonging To Most High, strengthened, preserved, absorbed in Eloah's Embrace.  Supported in Union, Assurance, Word, secure in Truth, Unconditional Love, sharpened, bright, distinct,  clear.

KJV:  And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.

Geneva:  Then another Angel came out of the temple, which is in heauen, hauing alfo a fharpe fickle.

Tyndale:  And another angell came oute of the temple which is in heven havynge also a sharpe sycle.

Greek:  kai allos aggelos exelthen ek tou naou tou en to ourano ekon kai autos drepanon ozu

Greek Strong's numbers:

2532-kai:  and, also, even, so then too, both, indeed, moreover, therefore

243-allos:  different, other, another, more, one, another of the same, reciprocation, mutual, with, same, reduplicated, together, each other, companionship, participation, proximity, intimate, close, accord, association, union, joined, occupying an immediate position with and toward, by the side of, near and close, in with, essential, accession, nearness, give and take, beloved, cherished, affection, bond, knit together, be a part of, belonging to, corresponding, resemblance, responsive, commune, given, return, agreement, obligation, bearing on or binding each equally, related as One, mutual action and relationship, shared, joint, complementary, held, kept, assurance, respect, established, receive, welcome, interested, regard, esteem, similitude

32-aggelos:  to bring, drive, move, induce, bring forth, carry, lead along, cause to enter, bring message, to proclaim, bring tidings and news, messenger sent by God, guardian, representative, belonging to Heaven engaged in God's service, chosen to carry His Word to declare and make known His Thoughts and Will, promoter, benefactor, paragon of virtue, shining forth, epitome, embodiment, personification, quintessence, apotheosis, acme, jewel, treasure, example, nonpareil, exemplar, consummate, inimitable, from God, sent from God, appointed by God, best person for the job, top, head, chief, central, main, principal, prince, emissary, ambassador, delegate, deputy, plenipotentiary, diplomat, minister, dignitary, high commissioner, envoy, legate, champion, advocate, leader, consul, one in charge, surrogate, liaison, spokesperson, agent, intermediary, mediator, go between, substitute, replacement, proxy, stand in, relief, understudy, reserve, fill in, back up, provision, caretaker, protector, defender, preserver, custodian, keeper, conservator, curator, steward, trustee, superintendent, attendant

1831-exerkomai:  denoting origin the point whence motion or action proceeds, from, out of place, time, or cause either direct or remote, of, by, with, beyond, by the means of, exceeding, abundantly above, for, because, by reason of, since, thenceforth, through, of completion, to come or go, accompany, appear, bring, enter, grow, be set, light upon, meet, more close and nearer, approach, advance, draw close and near, proceed, arrive, materialize, reach, arrive at, happen, originate, occur, reside, live, take place, come about, transpire, present, arise, ensue, follow, encounter, discover, find, perceived, communicated, be clear, understood, progress, develop, regain, recover, converted, agree with, yield to, revive, return, hold, choose, settle, decide, conclude, prefer, favor, abide, remain, inherit, willed, plan, succeed, result, known, familiar, association, communication, apparent, visible, pour out forth, teach, learn, instructed, taught, endure, withstand, produce, submit, advocate, move, drive, give, grant, devoted

1537-ek:  denoting origin the point whence motion or action proceeds, from, out of place, time, or cause either direct or remote, of, by, with, beyond, by the means of, exceeding, abundantly above, for, because, by reason of, since, thenceforth, through, of completion

3588-to:  the, which, who, the things, the Son, this, that, one, he

3485-naos:  to dwell with, safety, sanctuary, secure, continue, enduring, lasting, lawful, legitimate, genuine, authentic, settled, present, stay and remain with, abiding, sure, sacred, honor, respect, esteem, approval, favor, central, important, foremost, reverent, pertaining to God, devotion, dedication, commitment, faithfulness, consecrated and set apart for God's use and purpose, live in and with, occupation, possession, ownership, reside with, housed, lodge, domiciled, accept and act in accordance with, continue without fading or being lost, wait on, serviceable, suitable, fit, firm, obey, observe, follow, keep, hold to, conform, adhere, stick to, stand by, uphold, heed, acknowledge, recognize, defer to, bear with, lasting, living, safety, refuge, shelter, protection, sustenance, cherished, reside, live, be settled, joined, union, coupled, complete, made perfect, belonging to, a part of, occupied, possessed, owned, be fully and wholly given over to, close and near alongside, near beside, present, at hand, agree, harmony, married, continue, kept, taken, support, be firm, stable, strong, rest, sabbath, inmost recess, legitimate, lawful, authentic, verified, retreat, immunity, preserve, salvation, deliverance, forgiveness, pardon, redeem, save, lifeline, means of escape, savior, help, keep safe, rescue, prevent from destruction, keep healthy, whole and sound

3588-to:  the, which, who, the things, the Son, this, that, one, he

1722-en:  I was, have been, taught, stood, agree, be, have charge of, hold, I AM, I exist, being, it is I, to be, am, is, are, denoting a fixed position in place, time, and state in a relation of rest, everlasting, eternal, always, in, at, by, through, about, give self wholly to, openly, reason, cause, origin, beginning and end, first and last, because, Way, I AM AS I AM, One, into, indicating the point reached or entered of place, time, purpose or result, union, joined, for, far exceeding, unto, to the intent that, of one mind, set at one again, to the end, throughout, resemblance, harmony, peace, likeness, similar, as and in this manner, follows, after, like unto, in the same way, in like manner, even so, as like, same, same degree, appropriate to, characteristic, nature, such as, example, reference to a person of thing of the same kind, another, having similar qualities, faithful resemblance to the original, similitude, in conjunction with, agreeable, enjoyable, satisfied, fulfilled, desire, long after, choose, prefer, favor, regard, care for, pleased, representation, small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like, specimen, portion, study, analogous, record or extract for reuse as a part of something, having the same relation, similar in position, structure and evolutionary origin but not necessary in function, pairing, pattern, example, consistent, alike, having a common descent, same kind, uniform, identical, duplicate, indistinguishable, follow, devoted, dedication, commitment, fidelity, true, unswerving, faithful, strong, loyal, dependable, reliable, constant, steadfast, resolved, resolute, determined, purposed, authentic, legitimate, lawful, legal, genuine, staunch, accurate, precise, exact, doubtless, unerring, close, strict, real, on the mark, faultless, enduring, lasting, continuous, persistent, sustained, ceaseless, perpetual, eternal, endless, interminable, indisputable, regular, steady, unchanging, undeviating, unfluctuating, fast, firm, verified, confirmed, fixed, tenacious, unwavering, given, honorable, upright, principled, truthful, ethical, virtuous, incorruptible, responsible, level, balanced, sound, whole, healthy, reputable, honest, correct, right, perfect, complete, veracious, well aimed, on target, sure, certain, positive, convinced, confident, definite, assurance, satisfaction, persuaded, unshakable, bound, guaranteed, unfailing, infallible, inevitable, irrefutable, undeniable, absolute, obvious, evident, plain, clear, conclusive, unambiguous, established, effective, secure, safe, unfaltering, yes, indeed, of course, remembered, corroborated, substantiated, ensured, ordained, confirmed, appointed, done, protected from harm and danger, sheltered, invulnerable, at ease, happy, relaxed, settled, connection, seal, fortify, defended, strengthen, uphold, possession, occupation, rule, ownership, kept, held, fixed so as not to give way nor become loose or lost, not subject to threat, certain to remain and continue safe and unharmed, having provisions for, stable, free from fear and anxiety, having no doubt about attainment, certain to achieve, victorious, attached firmly so that it cannot be moved or lost, locked, made safe, succeed despite difficulties, having a right to take possession of an asset, without apprehension, freedom from disturbance, quiet, tranquil, calm, serene, freedom from war or violence, supported, freedom from dispute or dissension, unity, love, affection, regard, restfulness, solitude, equanimity, composure, ease, contentment, law and order, lawfulness, reconciled, restore friendly relations, coexist in harmony, compatible, accept, welcome, bring together, bring back again, reunite, pacify, appease, placate, conciliate, settle differences, fill up, make congruent, synchronize, mend, remedy, rectify, heal, come to terms with, live with together, remain and stay with, assimilated, concur, be in the same Way, communicating, connecting, consonant, accord, dove tail, fit, parallel, touching, pertaining to, in the presence of, present, responsive, answer, obedient

3588-to:  the, which, who, the things, the Son, this, that, one, he

3772-ouranos:  elevation, heaven, abode of God, happiness, power, prosperity, eternity, eternal dwelling place of God, ascending above all the heavens, uncreated sphere of God's abode, on high, spiritual, to rise, lifted high above, mount on high, preeminent, prominent, distinct, above, great, imperial, powerful, prevailing, accomplished, established, enduring, everlasting, highest most high, important, chief, divine, deity, of righteousness, certainty, faithfulness, sure, devotion, dedication, conviction, commitment, loyalty, fidelity, distinct, pure, clear, clean, promoted, advance, upgrade, prefer, favor, choice, ennoble, step up, mountain, heights, greatest, grandeur, nobility, loftiness, majesty, sublime, being elevated, lift up, raise, rear, bring up, amount to, level up, augment, increase, adored, cherished, treasured, held and kept dear, near and close beside, continue, endure, lasting, abiding, stay and remain with, move to a higher level and position, set upright, made right, construct and build, bring to the surface from below, save, deliver, reunite, increase amount, level and strength of, promote, champion, support, foster, nourish, back, uphold, bring back from death, establish to stand firm, correspond, uplift, escalate, magnify, boost, assemble, acquire, accumulate, enlist, call up, present, awaken, engender, produce, induce, kindle, arouse, keep alive in full flame, nurture, look after, care for, tend, educate, train, keep, grow, cultivate, fulfill

2192-eko:  to hold, direct, remote, such as possession, ability, contiguity, relation, or condition, have, need, accompany, amend, can, conceive, follow, keep, necessity, reign, recover, rest, return, take, stresses one who has the means to accomplish a task, of continuance, clasp, carry, bear, hold on to, embrace, enfold, cling, adhere, have in one's name, ownership, support, sustain, uphold, have custody and control of, constrain, maintain, occupy, engross, absorb, interest, captivate, engage, settle, fill, fit, have capacity to accommodate, consider, rule, endure, stay, remain, be valid, legitimate, lawful, be effective, have power and authority, dominion, influence, command, mastery, contact, communication, reach, subdue, tame, curb, safeguard, cherish, treasure, appreciate, favor, value, care for, save, keep in possession, obey, comply, conform abide, fulfill, carry out to the full, honor, stand by, preserve, look after, protect, keep safe, shelter, shield, defend, cover

2532-kai:  and, also, even, so then too, both, indeed, moreover, therefore

846-autos:  self, alone, mine own, self same, this, -selves

1407-drepanon:  to pluck, gather, harvest, prune, reap, dress, tend and care, look after, take hold of something and quickly remove it from its place, pick up, recover, grasp, catch hold of and pull quickly, quickly and suddenly remove someone from dangerous or unpleasant situation, prepare, provide, support, select, choice, preference, favor, approval, devotion, dedication, commitment, faithfulness, loyalty, allegiance, agreement, spirited, determined, courageous, brave, extract, extricate, intrepidity, fearlessness, mettle, grit, fortitude, resolve, settled, dauntless, obtain, gain, win, derive, draw out, free, release, liberate, make replete, express, communicate, reproduce, duplicate, resemblance, union, joined, intimately related, free from a constraint or difficulty, unravel, untangle, remove out of perplexities, unburden, lighten, brighten, enlighten, teach, counsel, disentangle, disengage, get someone off the hook, allow and enable to escape from confinement, remove restriction or obligation, make available, allow to spread and work freely, allow to return to resting position, remit, discharge, set at One again, reconcile, atone, give, relax, set at liberty, manumit, untie, undo, loose, unleash, unfetter, supply, furnish, excuse, exempt, deliver, absolve, restore, make public, make known, issue, announce, declare, report, reveal, disclose, publish, circulate, disseminate, launch, bring out, freeing, freedom, dispatch, proclaim, free from enemy occupation, imprisonment and slavery, release from a state or situation that limits freedom of thought or behavior, free from rigidity, set loose, rescue, save, emancipate, enfranchise, give rights to, free to express, give to have a voice, unchain, unyoke, unshackle, cease work, Sabbath, relieve someone of something that is causing anxiety or distress, not cause hardship or distress, freedom from violence and hatred, Love, Trust, Truth, Mercy, open one's heart, confide, tell all, clean, allowing free complete unrestricted Access, passage, Way, not closed nor blocked up, allowing access to the inner part or contents of, free from obstructions, unlock, not congested nor constipated, free flowing, expose, not concealed, authentic, genuine, sincere, validate, substantiated, having room and space to move freely, defend and protect from harm, admit, allow to enter freely, ready and prepared, present, near and close beside, abiding, stay and remain at ease, evident, manifest, accessible, receptive, embrace, welcome, cherish, beloved, freely available and accessible, participation in proximity, unstopped, improve, augment, make possible, enable, engender, kindle, enliven, invigorate, unfold, show forth, glow, pour out forth, spread out to the fullest extent, increase, make wider and more spacious, accommodating, magnanimous, allow public access to, sympathetic, establish, take the action required to make ready for use, meet, suitable, begin, start, develop, complete, perfect, conduct, direct, guide, lead, conceal nothing, frank, not subject to concealment or obfuscation, make public, admitting no doubt or dispute, straightforward, awake, fully aware, accelerate, unbolt, unlatch, navigable, extensive, spacious, uncrowded, unclutter, wide open, unfurl, extend, stretch out, reach, open for business, open to the public, ease, permitting, candid, forthcoming, forthright, unreserved, plain, easy, obvious, patent, palpable, conspicuous, undisguised, apparent, impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, objective, nondiscriminatory, amenable, willing and ready to listen and respond, obtainable, nonexclusive, nonrestrictive, unbar, throw wide open, unwrap, uncork, straighten out, lay bare, commence, initiate, set in motion, inaugurate, show the Way, connect, communicate with, have conversation with, relate with, preserve, keep safe, safeguard, salvage, retrieve, reclaim, put aside, retain, conserve, store, rescue from harm and danger, prevent from dying, keep in health, remember, preserve by not expending or using, avoid the need to use up, lessen, guard against, find and provide solution to difficulty or disaster, prevent death and destruction by taking specific action, avoid involving someone in useless or pointless effort, with no violation of right or innocence, safe, secure, sanctuary, not harmed or lost, affording security and protection, shelter, home free, in one piece, sound, impregnable, invulnerable, attentive, unbreakable, inseparable, respectful, honorable, venerated, treat with respect and honor, agreement, harmonious, have deep affection for, attached, due regard, not harming or interfering with, agree to recognize and abide by, back, esteem, show consideration for, heed, cognizance, comply with, follow, adhere and cling to, act in accordance, defer to, obey, concern, link, association, relation, interconnected, bond, correspondence, resemblance, joint, coupled, friend, acquainted and familiar, relationship, affiliation, alliance, vow, promise, oath, Word, Guarantee, Assurance, Confidence, bind, fasten, union

3691-oxus:  keen, acid, rapid, sharp, swift, of a sword or sickle, honed, sharpened, intense, acute, strong, piercing, penetrating, brisk, cutting, distinct, clear, crisp, obvious, marked, pronounced, definite, steep, sheer, perceptive, observant, incisive, sensitive, quick, astute, bright, alert, insightful, knowing, precise, exact, prompt, punctual, determined, intent, ardent, fervent, committed, dedicated, zealous, interested in, passionate, fond of, taken with, discerning, brilliant, understandable, plain, uncomplicated, explicit, simple, unambiguous, straightforward, evident, sure, manifest, patent, visible, conspicuous, glaring, transparent, crystal clear, unclouded, specific, distinct, defined, recognizable, prominent, striking, easily distinguishable, eminent, stand out, dominant, controlling, commanding, supreme, authoritative, ascendant, ruling, governing, foremost, primary, paramount, central, key, chief, core, crucial

Definitions derived from:  The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  

Studies can be referenced at:

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