Sunday, November 17, 2013

Revelation 4

Compiled Interpretation:

Accompanied amid and joined together in union to resemble and follow Me be in the same Way.  Assured in fullness of knowledge, actively recognized and acknowledged in My Approval, settled and resting to belong to My Ownership unconditionally completely.  Moreover, reconciled, kept safe and sound in My Defense and Protection, kept alive in full flame in My Preservation, restored to My Favor and cherished in My Reception.  Look and see!  The Way and Access is wide open, spacious, extensive, plain, evident, clear, free and uninhibited to belong to God Eternally.  Established and cherished in My Strength, calling and inviting you openly by My Name.  My Son is Foremost, First, Chief, Beginning, Best, Highest Most Prominent to go before you, leading by His Example in Faithful Resemblance to the Original.  Giving you understanding in union in My Companionship to resemble Me.  Summoning to call you into My Presence to teach and refine you in My Friendship.  Instructing you in My Reception to restore and keep you alive, teaching to awaken, enlighten, establish and preserve you in My Authority, Faithfulness and Devotion.  Indeed to show and make clear to you, to fulfill the necessary requisite, settling you to stay inseparable and remain in connection with Me, joined hereafter forever in the same Way with Me.

Indeed made right with Me, governed in My Favor, set in My Approval to remain and abide, settled in abundance, verified, authenticated, healthy, sound, whole and complete.  Fulfilled, satisfied and preserved in My Devotion, recognized in union resting in My Word and Spirit, regenerated and kept alive in full flame belonging to Heaven.  And look!  Legitimate and permanently covered in My Rule, Authority, Jurisdiction, dedicated, marked out and reserved in My Will set in My Way, resting in eternity to belong to God.  Cherished and treasured, established to stand firm, awakened, nourished, brought back from death to be alive, favored and dear to abide, prevail and moreover remain permanent in My Governance.  Confirmed in My Companionship joined together to continue with Me Forever.

Also settled to remain, joined in union, established steadfast to stay and rest in I AM.  Duplicated to resemble, agree and be suitable, heed wholeheartedly, verified and confirmed permanently in certainty and assurance.  Cherished and revived, glowing lively and beaming in My Favor.  Indeed precious and clearly favored, strong and splendid, valuable and beloved in My Regard.  Corresponding in accord and union, preserved and renewed in peace and harmony.  Encircled in My Care and Governance, kept alive in full flame in My Power and Authority, validated, legitimate and connected resting to abide in My Possession and Commitment completely.

Indeed encircled all around, enclosed, defended and protected in My Safekeeping and Sanctuary, nourished and sustained in My Strength to remain and stay permanently in My Authority and Jurisdiction.  Settled and established in My Victory, Rule and Ownership, corresponding in likeness belonging to Me.  Remaining set in My Presence reconciled and joined in union indeed In My Favor and Approval, authenticated and cherished in My Rest.  Established in fullness of knowledge united in likeness, verified and honored in appreciation, made suitable in My Charge and Instruction, co-yoked in My Companionship.  Recognized, covered, enveloped, completely bound in My Peace and Rest always.  Embraced in My Welcome, secure in My Support, indeed, kept and held in Safety settled in My Authority.  Resting in the Highest Most High, confirmed to remain steadfast in My Care, sustained and validated, cherished and loved in My Possession undefiled, upright, healthy, whole and pure.

Thus proceeding from My Power, Authority and Legitimate Rule, Ownership, Sovereignty, Devotion and Faithful Commitment, Shining Forth to Give you understanding, keeping you alive in full flame to elucidate, inform and teach you.  Showing forth clear, distinct and authentic, reverberating, resounding calling you forth by My name, to cherish and preserve you in My Possession.  Moreover, to complete, establish and settle you to belong in union joined with Me.  Kept healthy, nourished, replenished and abundantly supplied, encouraged, refined and cherished in My Presence.  Revived, enkindled and settled in My Recognition and Assurance to resemble I AM.  Abiding completely secure and safe, belonging to the Word and Spirit of God, acquainted and known by the One True God Yehowah Elohim Highest Most High Creator, Faithful In Devotion, Truth, Mercy and Love.

In My Presence and Care settled in My Authority, refined, purified and gathered in My Devotion, Constancy and Love.  Transparent and easy, open and clear, peaceful resting unhindered in agreement and harmony, reconciled untainted, whole, healthy and verified to resemble the Rock of our Salvation.  Moreover assimilated and taught by I AM, joined in union inseparable, accompanied, cherished, kept alive in full flame to remain legitimately in My Ownership.  Wholly given to My Favor, Approval and Appreciation, recognized in My Safe Keeping and Sanctuary, complete, filled to the full, abounding in My Devotion.  Encompassed in the Embrace of Highest Most High I AM, prized and well endowed, settled and kept always in My Awareness in My Presence.  Indeed, secured in safety, confirmed and verified in My Regard, Occupation, Attendance and Preservation to follow earnestly, given clear discernment to witness as My most beloved.

And indeed the Son preserved, save from death, keeping alive in full flame to maintain as Principal Power and Source Of Life.  Settling us in His Dominion, Foremost, First, Superior in rank, dignity, Preeminent Ruler Highest Most High Master Lord and Governor.  Abiding to fulfill and satisfy you in union with Me as Representative Herald, Faithful And Devoted Messenger.  Fulfilling My Obligation and Promise to you.  Identified as the Way, indeed recognized as the Duplicate, in full agreement and approval to keep all the living beings in a vital, inseparable relationship and union with Me.  Sustaining, keeping you awake, aglow to resemble Me, resting satisfied and familiar in My Companionship.  Refreshed and full of life, vibrant and healthy, renewed, untainted, without blemish, bright and clear, in harmony and agreement settled in My Ownership and Rule.  Indeed, kept safe and whole, complete, full and successful in My Appreciation and Recognition.  Reconciled and enabled to respond, exuberant, alert, conscious, nourished and well fed in My Safekeeping.  Cherished in My Presence and Protection to resemble and learn of Me.  Mankind created in My likeness belonging to My family and given dominion of the earth is complete and made whole, lacking nothing, fully developed, joined in union indeed, duplicated in My Humility, Approval and Devotion.  Maintained in righteousness settled in My Spirit to abide, dwell and continue in peace.  Resting in union inseparable, legitimate, fulfilled, secured in My Devotion preserved by My Spirit and Life, illuminated and enlightened to increase, remain permanent and soar in My Keeping.

Also duplicated in union, resemblance, approval to cherish and uphold all life, reconciled, preserved and kept alive in full flame to abide and continue vigorously in Me.  I AM fulfilled to touch and take rightful possession of all that pertains to My Possession and Ownership,  to hold up and keep alive, covering with My Wings and Feathers to defend, protect, nourish and feed you.  Keeping you safe in My Rest as Creator and Savior, surrounding to encompass you in My Way to Preserve you.  Indeed connected and joined in the heart, center and innermost parts, to teach, guide and lead you in My Unconditional Love of you.  Completely settling you in My Will to give you understanding, moreover rest and repose from labor to refresh and nourish you.  Not ever will you remain in darkness and ignorance, suffering, adulterated, alienated, fragmented, divorced and not belonging to My Family.  I AM seeks after you to belong to My Rest, Peace and Devotion.  Joined in union reconciled to belong to My Safekeeping and Sanctuary, settled to remain and stay cherished by Heaven in My Presence.  Made fit and suitable to belong and resemble Yehowah.  Validated in My Devotion, called by My Name to be children of the Most High God set in My Care.  Having a Home with Highest Most High Creator Savior Faithful to Redeem, Ruler of All.  I AM AS I AM One And Only True God, Immutable, Eternal, Preeminent Source Of Life, Truth, Love, Mercy, Owner Master Teacher Who accompanies you to hold and communicate with you in My Appreciation and Recognition to cherish you.

Indeed repeatedly, abundantly bestowing, dedicating, ministering and delivering to preserve alive, keeping in full flame to feed and nourish, guide, lead and teach.  Shining forth to reveal, make clear and known, enlightening to illuminate.  Moreover paying the full price to completely satisfy to overflowing, vindicating and making provision to protect and care for you lovingly in Faithfulness.  Indeed freely and liberally delivering to forgive, bestowing favor unconditionally to appoint and settle to establish you to stay and remain in My Rest.  Governed permanently in My Ownership and Jurisdiction, all the living beings saved from death and destruction, reconciled and kept alive to abide in My Spirit.  Entering to be set at one again with Me Forever without end unto eternity, settled in My Faithfulness to be legitimate, complete, suitable and harmonious.

Permanently belonging to God's Ownership, Protection, Regard, settled in My Recognition inseparable, governed in My Approval, quickened and kept alive in full flame in My Possession.  Legitimate in My Support and Favor, kept in union and vital bond with Me to resemble Me in My Faithfulness and Devotion.  Called by My Name, knit together and set in My Seal of Ownership, indeed cherished and made whole in My Likeness to correspond to My Character in My Supervision, Instruction, Care and Attendance in My Presence.  Established, co-yoked and knit together to stay and remain, permanently resting in My Support and Strength.  Covered in My Victory, permanently settled in My Devotion, saved from death and destruction, awakened, conscious and preserved alive, set at one again to belong permanently, uninterrupted, constant, incorruptible, clean, pure, made complete, suitable, perfect and appropriate to belong eternally to My Faithfulness.  Moreover, entered and named, made strong, stable, established to stand fast approved in My Validation and Favor, vindicated and assured in My Safe Keeping and Appreciation.  Settled in companionship in My Presence permanently in My Rule and Ownership according to My Word.  Brightened and transformed in My Presence and Reception to understand fully and completely My Communication.

Made suitable, fit, meet, settled in union joined in the My Ownership, recognized and acknowledged as belonging to My Jurisdiction.  Taught and directed in My Will and Way.  Kept alive in full flame preserved in My Presence.  Saved and cherished in My Safekeeping and Companionship.  Covered in My Righteousness indeed by all means to belong to Yehowah Highest Most High Creator Savior Redeemer.  Kept in My Charge and received into My Favor and Appreciation.  Established and clearly resembling My Character and Nature.  Moreover, vindicated, defended and protected, cherished in My Guardianship to honor and fulfill My Responsibility in Loving Devotion, Faithfully Committed to abide and stay with you.  I AM able to fulfill and accomplish, bringing to fruition to confirm and complete, bringing to full satisfaction resemblance and preference of you to your Maker.  Fostering to nurture our connection and bond all the time, surely and completely, daily by all means.  Therefore, as the Way and Means, wholly, directly, utterly, unconditionally, unreservedly altogether with singleness of Purpose, resolved and set in friendship and constancy to approve and acknowledge you.  I AM indeed your Maker and Creator, Founder and Owner, Reviving To Engender and Constitute you in My Support, Foremost, joined in union With Me.

Definitions derived from:  The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  

Studies can be referenced at:

* Note:  Each paragraph corresponds to each verse of the chapter.  Another version could be made to flow in its sense without such demarcations, but this one is done to correspond to the original study done in Greek for ease of reference back to the study.

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