Saturday, November 2, 2013

Revelation 3:19

Greek:  ego osous ean philo elegko kai paideuo zeloson oun kai metanoeson

Greek Strong's numbers:

1473-ego:  I, my, me, my own, my self, mine

3745-hosos:  as much, great, long, many as, whatsoever, how great, all, as much as, while, whosoever

1437-ean:  conditional, in case, provided, denote indefiniteness or uncertainty, whatsoever, whosoever, except, but, whithersoever, whether, for as much as, supposition, wish, desire, possibility, whereinsoever, as many as, as much as

5368-phileo:  friend, associate, neighbor, fond, denoting love, dear, friendly, cherish, near and close, intimate, amiable, loved, have affection for, denoting personal attachment, involved, choose, prefer, favor, approve, principle, duty, right, propriety, the two stands very much related, to know and be known, familiar, fully acquainted, connected at the heart, touch, love that values and esttems, unselfish love ready to serve, cherishing manifested in devotion and constancy from a motive of highest veneration, respect, defend, protect, preserve, reconciled, joined, union, welcome, receive, willingly accept, await, attend, present, suitable, congruent in nature and character, harmonious, agree, faithful, trust, kept alive in full flame, fulfill, satisfy, happy, peaceful, rest

1651-elegko:  show forth the truth, persuade, win over, teach, guide, lead, instruct, pour out forth, make known and clear, manifest, reveal, disclose, convince, show evidence, give proof, give reason, penetrate, pierce, burn, brand, mark, seal, name, call, approve, choose, prefer, favor, validate, debunk, show what is wrong to set right again, govern, explain, inform, encourage, comfort, cause to learn, give understsanding, make to see, enlighten, shed light, illuminate, tell, educate, school, tutor, coach, train, raise up, edify, discipline, demonstrate, instill, inspire, inculcate, lead out, cause to trust firmly in the truth and fact of something demonstrated, conquer, prevail, overcome, made certain, satisfy, assure, put and set the mind at ease, settle, bring around again, reconcile, redeem, influence, move, incline, cause to trust after sustained effort of providing proof and reason, advise through to completion, conduct, show the Way, escort, pilot, shepherd, accompany, prompt, drive, create, result, occasion, effect, generate, contribute, promote, stir, spark, arouse, awaken, inspirited, necessitate, involve, be at the head and in front of, precede, command, preside over, be in charge of, run and control, be at the helm, administer, organize, manage, reign over, be in power over, serve, first, forefront, primacy, principal, have dominion, preeminence, supremacy, advantage, bound, joined in union, own, possession, occupation, devotion, dedication, commitment, loyalty, fidelity, constancy, belonging to, taken, given completely over to belong to someone

2532-kai:  and, also, even, so then too, both, indeed, moreover, therefore

3811-paideuo:  minister to a king, belonging to God in His Eminence, child of God, decent, heir, train up and raise a child, educate, discipline, set right, teach, instruct, give understanding, illuminate, guide, lead, gracious and firm training, coach, giving full possession of grace in correction, admonish, entreat, chasten, escort, accompany, pilot, shepherd, lead the Way, steer, induce, prompt, persuade, condition, coach, mentor, tutor, model, pattern, example, create, produce, arouse, stir, awaken, involve, necessitate, entail, effectuate, spark, promote, generate, contribute, support, uphold, lift up, edify, precede, rule, govern, regulate, command, be in charge of, take care of, direct, control, be at the helm of, administer, manage, care for, be present to attend, comfort and encourage, reign over, organize, oversee, supervise, discharge, represent, look after, nourish, foster, nurture, assist, help, treat, nurse, warm, provide, supply, attend to the needs of, equip, yield, prepare, maintain, enable, allow, enjoin, stipulate, authorize, benefit, see to, be ready, regard, consider, deal with, willing, make ready before, arrange, assemble, construct, formulate, put together, make preparations, provision, set, practise, study, review, prime, brace up, steady

2206-zeloo:  to glow, be hot, fervid, earnest, fervent, sincere, to boil, love, affection, zeal, ardor, adhere and cling to follow after, attachment, joined, union, belonging to someone, possession, ownership, occupation, continuance, to dwell and stay with, remain, have life with, high degree, intense, alive, lustrous, bright, white, passionate, enthusiastic, eager, burning, involved, personal, intimate, fresh, recent, great interest, current, deal with, strong, wanted, desired, long for, seek after, call and cry after, need, require, close, important, shining, bright, warm, aromatic, keen, favored, vibrant, awake, alert, radiate, gleam, beaming, enlightened, taught, bloom, happy, content, pleasing, satisfaction, luminous, steady, faithful, devotion, dedication, commitment, loyalty, fidelity, heightened, healthy, vital, firm, verified, assured, sparkle, glisten, shimmer, burnish, brilliant, outstanding, successful, excellent, illumination, clear, clean, pure, give light, reflective, direct, clearly evident, manifest, made known, rubbed and polished, shiny, vehement, animated, spirited, fiery, all consuming, ardent, fixed

3767-oun:  certainly, surely, accordingly, therefore, then, now, wherefore, so likewise, verily, indeed, moreover

2532-kai:  and, also, even, so then too, both, indeed, moreover, therefore

3340-metanoeo:  denoting accompaniment amid, association and succession, being joined and occupied with to consider, follow and observe, understand together, of a relation of participation and proximity to comprehend and know, become familiar, to acknowledge and recognize, regard, attend and assent to, agree, be suitable and serviceable, useful and known, well acquainted with, conversant and versed, informed, proficient and taught, no stranger to, at home with, relaxed, easy, comfortable, friendly, open, natural, unpretentious, to respect and honor, commitment, devotion, reverence, deference, heed, abide by, adhere, conform, obey, keep, transformed, reformed, reversal, recovery, restoration, change of choice of the entire life to be ruled by God, to reconsider, think carefully about, trust, take into account, look attentively, notice, mark and perceive as significant, watch carefully and attentively, take note to fulfill and comply, maintain respect, perform and take part in, participate, celebrate, accept and receive the truth, recognize the fact or importance and quality of, express and display gratitude for and appreciation of, accept the validity and legitimacy of, confirm, verify, affirm, establish the truth and correctness of, assurance of truth, make definite, strengthen together, made firm

Interpretation based on the study:  I Myself as much, long and great, indefinitely will love, cherish, preserve, welcome, attend, receive and keep you alive in full flame in My Friendship, Peace and Rest.  Showing forth to demonstrate the Truth to teach, guide and lead, explaining and making clear to give you understanding.  Sheding Light to illuminate, inspire and cause the Truth to awake and settle in you.  Moreover, I will oversee, train and instruct you to give you full possession of grace in My correction, leading the Way as your Shepherd and Example, to support, equip, prepare and tend to all your needs.  Putting together every requisite, making provision and preparation to arrange and deal with you in My Devotion and Constancy.  Dwelling to remain and stay with you in companionship, shining and setting you in My Favor and Commitment, indeed also to join you to Me.  Reconciling you to attend, be conversant, familiar, comfortable, open, friendly, natural, unpretentious, to establish you in Truth, to recognize and appreciate the validity, importance and legitimacy of our friendship in My Rule and Governance.

Definitions derived from:  The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  

Studies can be referenced at:

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