Friday, October 4, 2013

Revelation 2:21

Greek:  kai edoka aute kronon hina metanoese ek tes porneias autes kai ou metenoesen

Greek Strong's numbers:

2532-kai:  and, also, even, so then too, both, indeed, moreover, therefore

1325-didomi:  to give, grant, put, shew, deliver, make, bestow, bring forth, commit, minister, offer, have power, set, receive, suffer, yield, allow, authorize, let, permit, empower, enable, entitle, choose, prefer, favor, make way and room for, support, uphold, carry, bear, keep, brace, embrace, reinforce, provide for, encourage, sustain, maintain, care and look after, substantiate, bear out, corroborate, confirm, attest, validate, endorse, ratify, help, assist, contribute, fund, subsidize, enroll, finance, back, champion, advocate, vote for, stand behind, defend, protect, sponsor, second, promote, espouse, recommend, subscribe to, prescribe, advise, urge, lobby for, qualify, assent, consent, agree, tolerate, legalize, make legitimate, warrant, give license and go ahead, accept, receive, endure, continue with and in, condone, swallow, partake, deal, abide, remain, take on, adopt, regard, give credence, trust, go along with, concur, acknowledge, comply, follow, adhere, accord, defer to, surrender, bow to, give into, submit, respect, put up, resign, learn, face

846-autos:  self, alone, mine own, self same, this, -selves

5550-kronos:  a space of time, opportunity, occasion, season, while, oftentimes, denotes duration whether long or short, period marked by certain features, quantity of time in general, be instant in season, temporal, temporary, transient, hour, day, any time or period, indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future regarded as a whole, progress of this as affecting people and things, moment or definite portion of time allotted, used or suitable for a purpose, favorable or appropriate, right moment, indefinite period, conditions of life during a particular period, lifetime, apprenticeship, juncture, stage, spell, stretch, span, interval, length of time, phase, term, era, age, epoch, years, generation, date, life, existence, circumstances, state of affairs, way of the world, rhythm, tempo, beat, pattern, measure, schedule, set, arrange, organize, coordinate, fix, plan, line up, record, full length of time, fullness, extent, continuation

2443-ina:  in order that, denoting purpose or result, because, so as, for the reason that, permit, leave alone, suffer, yield, allow, let be, commit, mine own, self same, therewith, thereby, these things, this, those, very, which, together, personally, with own hands, involved, intimate, belonging to a particular person, devoted, committed, dedicated, loyal, faithful, involving actual presence of, intend, concerning, relationships, connected, join, union, referring to character and nature of, existing as a self aware entity, of a person, occupation, possession, ownership, property of, distinctive, characteristic, unique, individual, one's own, particular, peculiar, actual, in the flesh, confidential, close, dear, direct, first hand, immediate, experiential, soul, mind, heart, inner being, spirit, allow, authorize, give permission, sanction, grant, give someone the right, empower, enable, entitle, qualify, give blessing, consent, assent, agree, legal, legitimate, accede, warrant, affirm

3340-metanoeo:  denoting accompaniment amid, association and succession, being joined and occupied with to consider, follow and observe, understand together, of a relation of participation and proximity to comprehend and know, become familiar, to acknowledge and recognize, regard, attend and assent to, agree, be suitable and serviceable, useful and known, well acquainted with, conversant and versed, informed, proficient and taught, no stranger to, at home with, relaxed, easy, comfortable, friendly, open, natural, unpretentious, to respect and honor, commitment, devotion, reverence, deference, heed, abide by, adhere, conform, obey, keep, transformed, reformed, reversal, recovery, restoration, change of choice of the entire life to be ruled by God, to reconsider, think carefully about, trust, take into account, look attentively, notice, mark and perceive as significant, watch carefully and attentively, take note to fulfill and comply, maintain respect, perform and take part in, participate, celebrate, accept and receive the truth, recognize the fact or importance and quality of, express and display gratitude for and appreciation of, accept the validity and legitimacy of, confirm, verify, affirm, establish the truth and correctness of, assurance of truth, make definite, strengthen together, made firm

1537-ek:  denoting origin the point whence motion or action proceeds, from, out of place, time, or cause either direct or remote, of, by, with, beyond, by the means of, exceeding, abundantly above, for, because, by reason of, since, thenceforth, through, of completion

3588-to:  the, which, who, the things, the Son, this, that, one, he

4202-porneia:  defilement for the sake of gain, to sell, prostitute, venal, illicit and illegitimate intimate union, adultery, infidelity, unfaithfulness, falseness, disloyalty, deceit, cheat, treacherous, insincere, selling out, betray, debase, degrade, demean, misuse, cheapen, not sacred, shameful, perverted, distorted, abandon principle, disgrace, damage, harm, undermine, reduce in quality and value, depreciate, contaminate, adulterate, pollute, corrupt, mix, dishonor, humiliate, lower, stain, smear, blot, spoil, desecrate, profane, violate chastity, treat a sacred thing with violent disrespect, to violate, devoted to that which is not sacred or biblical, irreverent, ungodly, godless, vulgar, filthy, offensive, criminal, forbidden, unauthorized, unacceptable, secret, furtive, unlicensed, unsanctioned

846-autos:  self, alone, mine own, self same, this, -selves

2532-kai:  and, also, even, so then too, both, indeed, moreover, therefore

3756-ou:  not, no, cannot, neither, never, none, nothing, without, not at all, in no wise, no more at all, by no means, in no case, not ever, not once, not even, not even one, not at all, without delay, not a whit, not even ever

3340-metanoeo:  denoting accompaniment amid, association and succession, being joined and occupied with to consider, follow and observe, understand together, of a relation of participation and proximity to comprehend and know, become familiar, to acknowledge and recognize, regard, attend and assent to, agree, be suitable and serviceable, useful and known, well acquainted with, conversant and versed, informed, proficient and taught, no stranger to, at home with, relaxed, easy, comfortable, friendly, open, natural, unpretentious, to respect and honor, commitment, devotion, reverence, deference, heed, abide by, adhere, conform, obey, keep, transformed, reformed, reversal, recovery, restoration, change of choice of the entire life to be ruled by God, to reconsider, think carefully about, trust, take into account, look attentively, notice, mark and perceive as significant, watch carefully and attentively, take note to fulfill and comply, maintain respect, perform and take part in, participate, celebrate, accept and receive the truth, recognize the fact or importance and quality of, express and display gratitude for and appreciation of, accept the validity and legitimacy of, confirm, verify, affirm, establish the truth and correctness of, assurance of truth, make definite, strengthen together, made firm

Interpretation based on the study:  And you also giving yourselves over to adhere and cling to the temporal ways of the world in its possession and occupation.  Giving consent and agreement to join, follow and participate in familiar devotion and conversations in defilement for the sake of gain.  Selling and prostituting yourselves in illicit and illegitimate unfaithfulness.  Degrading and cheapening in abandon and perverted principles to violate yourselves.  Desecrating your own understanding indeed, so that you are unable to recognize and appreciate the validity and legitimate Assurance of Truth.

Definitions derived from:  The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  

Studies can be referenced at:

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