Friday, October 4, 2013

Revelation 2:3

Greek:  kai ebastasas kai hupomonen ekeis kai dia to onoma mou kekopiakas kai ou kekmekas

Greek Strong's numbers:

2532-kai:  and, also, even, so then too, both, indeed, moreover, therefore

941-bastazo:  to walk, do, found, idea of removal, to lift, endure, declare, sustain, receive, bear, carry, take up, support a burden, suffer, convey, bring forth, come, reach, lead, uphold, move, bear along, impel, express, minister, bring forth fruit, steadfast, immovable, abounding, not in vain, re-enkindle, stir up, kindle afresh, keep in full flame, live, revive, flourish, blossom, prevail, overpower, be strong, superior, have strength, agitate, shake, shift, vibrate, rock, proceed, progress, advance, change position, transfer, develop, take action, relocate, affect, touch, impress, inspire, prompt, stimulate, motivate, influence, rouse, induce, incite, keep company, circulate, mix, associate, submit, advocate, movement, motion, action, initiation, turn, opportunity, guide, show, shepherd, usher, take, path, way, attend, advise, mentor, marker, pointer, indicator, mark, pattern, standard, show, example, lead, conduct, show the way, escort, assist, help, hold up, brace, reinforce, maintain, sustain, provide for, keep, take care of, look after, comfort, encourage, buoy up, fortify, console, reassure, confirm, verify, approve, validate, authenticate, endorse, ratify, undergird, back, favor, stand behind, defend, sponsor, protect

2532-kai:  and, also, even, so then too, both, indeed, moreover, therefore

5281-hupomone:  cheerful bearing from under, an abiding under, patience, persistence, perseverance, continuance, constancy, endurance, waiting, stay under or behind, remain, bear, fortitude, take patiently, stay with, await, tenacity, determination, steadfastness, faithfulness, devotion, commitment, dedication, purposeful, application, diligence, tirelessness, stamina, intransigence, resolution, come to an understanding, acceptance, tolerance, continue without fading, dwell with, lasting, standing, perpetual, unending, permanent, unchanging, immutable, eternal

2192-eko:  to hold, direct, remote, such as possession, ability, contiguity, relation, or condition, have, need, accompany, amend, can, conceive, follow, keep, necessity, reign, recover, rest, return, take, stresses one who has the means to accomplish a task, of continuance, clasp, carry, bear, hold on to, embrace, enfold, cling, adhere, have in one's name, ownership, support, sustain, uphold, have custody and control of, constrain, maintain, occupy, engross, absorb, interest, captivate, engage, settle, fill, fit, have capacity to accommodate, consider, rule, endure, stay, remain, be valid, legitimate, lawful, be effective, have power and authority, dominion, influence, command, mastery, contact, communication, reach, subdue, tame, curb, safeguard, cherish, treasure, appreciate, favor, value, care for, save, keep in possession, obey, comply, conform abide, fulfill, carry out to the full, honor, stand by, preserve, look after, protect, keep safe, shelter, shield, defend, cover

2532-kai:  and, also, even, so then too, both, indeed, moreover, therefore

1223-dia:  channel of an act, through, causal, by, with, for, for the sake of, therefore, for this cause and reason, because, always, after, from, by occasion of, by reason of, thereby, throughout, wherefore

3588-to:  the, which, who, the things, the Son, this, that, one, he

3686-onoma:  name, character, authority, called, surnamed, represents the title and dignity, authority, rank, majesty, power, excellence, etc., of everything that the name covers, an expression of someone's attributes, credit, benefit, known, recognition, mark, acknowledgement, confession, recognition of authority combined with the reliance or rest upon it, identified with, for the sake of, on account of, because of, assign an appellation, to mention, call, address, praise, worship, derive benefit, notoriety, advantage, reference, regard, famous, reputation, identity, designation, celebrity, luminary, repute, standing, stature, esteem, prestige, renown, notability, distinction, entitle, specify, choose, nominate, appoint, earmark, defining, value, order, classification, calling, to hold, grasp, lift, touch, control, drive, operate, deal with, take care of, charge, attend, respond, administer, conduct, direct, guide, supervise, belonging to, owned by, possession, occupation

3450-mou:  of me, my, mine, mine own

2872-kopiao:  mourning, lament, hardship, fatigue, beat the breast in grief, cut down, bewail, wail, smite, cut off, grief, cry, cut, reduction in strength, pains, labour, trouble, weariness, tiresome, toil, feel worn and fatigued, exhausted with toil, burdens, grief, labor with wearisome effort, sever, pierce, penetrate, injure, wound, incise, score, crop, shear, shave, pluck, gather, carve, engrave, etch, chisel, whittle, reduce, cut back, cut down on, decrease, lessen, rationalize, downsize, lower, slash, chop, shorten, truncate, edit, delete, remove, take out, excise, discontinue, break off, suspend, interrupt, stop, end, cross, skip, miss, share, meet, join, insult, put down, isolate, hack off, fail, give out, break down, make an opening, divide, make smaller or less, weaken, forced by difficult circumstances in doing something desperate, force into submission, suffering, sorrow, longing after, call after, subjected to something unpleasant, become worse, distress, misery, wretchedness, adversity, tribulation, pain, agony, anguish, trauma, torment, torture, hurt, affliction, sadness, unhappiness, stress, angst, regret, drowsiness, enervation, lethargy, prostration, drain, wash out, worn out, wasted, jaded, fed up with, bored, sick, stale, dull, groan, weep, sob, complain, grumble, grind

2532-kai:  and, also, even, so then too, both, indeed, moreover, therefore

3756-ou:  not, no, cannot, neither, never, none, nothing, without, not at all, in no wise, no more at all, by no means, in no case, not ever, not once, not even, not even one, not at all, without delay, not a whit, not even ever

2577-kamno:  to toil, to tire, faint, sicken, be wearied, signifies to work then as the effect of continued labor to be weary, worn out, exhausted, fatigued, sapped, burnt out, spent, drained, prostrate, enervated, beat, pooped, fed up with, bored of, sick of, trying, demanding, taxing, arduous, grueling, difficult, hard, tough, wasted, jaded, zonked, overused, stale, hoary, dull, routine, dry, crusty, rancid, old, stagnant, flat, spoiled, insipid, threadbare, uninspired, outdated, outmoded, archaic, obsolete, corny, musty, overstored, past its best, dilapidated, broken, decay, disintegrate, run down, shabby, torn, frayed, ragged, cast off, declining

Interpretation based on the study:  And also moreover to Preserve, Sustain and Save you, abiding steadfastly in Faithfulness to Hold, Possess, Accompany and Direct you in My Power and Authority.  Therefore through and by My Favor, calling you by My Name, Character and Authority, I AM Possess and Keep you in My Ownership and Occupation.  Mourning, sorrow, hardship and grief are not able to exhaust or tire Me, nor can any of it be too difficult for Me.  In My Care, neither will you by any means be worn out, sapped, run down, decline, nor become obsolete.

Definitions derived from:  The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  

Studies can be referenced at:

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