Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Revelation 20 Compiled Interpretation

Revelation 20

Compiled Interpretation:

Indeed, understand completely and have full and absolute knowledge, in active union, in approving relationship and connection with God, being fully acquainted with and known by Him.  In this established relation of appreciation, He brings us to proclaim the good news of reconciliation, as His representatives who belong to Him.  He Himself left a position that is higher to come down to a lower one, to daily be among us to walk with us, to teach us about His love and mercy by all means.  Completing from beyond eternity, He accompanies us in our midst, He accomplished by His Right and Authority, His Complete and Legitimate Sovereignty and Supremacy, to Rule and Govern the immeasurable depths.  Moreover, He is Able and Powerful to bind the deepest of mysteries by His Greatness.  In Preeminent Perfection, He Ordains and Conducts Alone in His Might and Strength to Save. 

Indeed Mighty to Prevail, Keep, and Have Complete Dominion to Possess and Reign over this serpent devil, who fascinates and enchants with his sharpness and cunning, artful in treachery, skulking in malicious murderous proclivities.  The adversary of God and man, jealous, adulterous and envious, with singleness of motive toward evil.  Original and ancient in sin, who falsely accuse and slander, making assaults to allege offenses, laying charges wrongfully for the love of gain.  The accuser maligns and condemns to misrepresent, blame, vilify and willfully destroy the name of God and mankind, with intention to injure and propagate falsehood.  He distorts facts to bring ruin and destruction.  Indeed, the accuser is bound and must meet inquiry, to be searched out by investigation, to be examined and judged.  This same one, over a long period.

Eventually, to be let go and given up to end in nothingness, no longer to exist.  Indeed, with Supreme Authority and Complete Sovereignty, declared plainly, to close and seal up the accuser, in security and permanency.  Fenced in, restrained, reined in, curbed and stopped, in order that the accuser and father of lies, will NEVER be able to deceive the multitude and people.  Henceforth hereafter, the limit and end is reached, concluding in its terminus, fully finished and accomplished, carried out to the uttermost to fulfillment, this long period.  After that, it is necessary that this same one is destroyed and broken, released into destruction to dissolve in ruin, in the shortest duration and suitable set and proper time, in due measure and fitness, for fulfillment.

Certainly know and understand completely, in fullness of knowledge, connected to God in active relationship, to recognize His Throne of Grace and Authority, that Governs and Rules in us permanently.  We choose to remain and stay, to dwell in connection joined to Him in permanent union and communion.  To give self over to Him to teach us discernment, to distinguish by reason through the testimony and witness of Jesus.  Also thereby, through the Divine Expression of Christ, His Word and Authority, He made known to us by Manifesting the One True God.  Whosoever have never given self over to be possessed and occupied by the enemy and accuser, to correspond to him in a relation of assimilated similitude, to acknowledge and participate to learn of him, to assent in being marked and owned by him, to bear his character, to choose to be in connection joined in union to abide and be inhabited by him, to commune and confide in his refuge, in mind nor actions.  These will dwell and live reconciled to God, restored in connection and union, joined to the Source of Life and Blessings.  Moreover, these will recognize His Authority and Rule, in a relation of participation and proximity, to be consecrated and set apart to God, stablished and endowed by the Holy Spirit, to abide and follow close and near, imitating Christ, employed and occupied by God for His usefulness, to the perfection of endless duration.

Now, the rest that were left alone by their own choice, living life separated from God, refusing His salvation and remaining disconnected from the Source of Life.  These come to their uttermost limit and end.  None were able to recover life anew to reach their assigned purpose and full development, to become citizens according to the character of the heavenly community.  While the accomplishment of the complete and perfect fulfillment of the assigned purpose, over a large segment of time and period, hereof, is the moral recovery.  For those choosing to be restored and reconciled, strengthened by their Creator to return again to lean upon Him in the original faith and trust, from complete and full knowledge, of a former state and condition.

Supremely blest, possessing the delight and favor of God, marked by fullness from Him to partake of His nature.  Indeed, cleansed and devoted entirely for God's use and purpose, joined in intimate union with Him.  He is able to impart and bestow His fullness beyond measure to us, to revive and recover us in His strength, to lean upon and return to rest in Him.  He returns us to the original faith and trust, in complete and full knowledge.  Following, separation and conscious existence separate from God ends, NEVER again to rise and have power.  Indeed and verily, it shall come to pass, we shall be set apart to God to fully belong to Him, to resemble Him in His likeness.  We shall be joined in union with Him, our One True God, stablished by the Holy Spirit in Christ, by His virtue that pervades and penetrates our whole nature, subduing everything within, to furnish all that is needed.  We are to belong to our King, in a relation of proximity and participation, to be ruled and governed by Him, over a large period and generation.

And whensoever the final purpose and end of this large segment of period and generation is completed, the accuser/complainer/slanderer will be let go and given up from safeguard, protection and attendance, to be unloosed unto ruin and separation, to dissolve and break in destruction.

So then, spreading abroad to lead the multitudes from safety, truth and virtue, to go astray from righteousness into delusion and error openly, by any means.  Those who are lawless and fight against God in rebellion from all corners of the earth, moreover, join together in similar sentiment and nature of one mind, to make war.  They take up forth to produce, with all speed and in close association, the emblematic restless condition of the nations.  Heaping at the same time, the wild and restless final ungodly power to dominate the federated nations.  In unrighteous vilification of God, to cause injury and damage in evil speaking against the Divine Majesty.

Indeed, known of God in familiar and intimate connection with Him, abiding together, to dwell and belong completely to Him, choosing and preferring to remain permanently with Him.  He enlarges those who belong to His household and family, to encircle and encompass from beside and near them.  Joined to Him in His likeness in intimate union, moreover, He defends and protects these beloved ones, to cherish in tender affection, taking pleasure and delight to receive these dear ones in open acknowledgement and recognition.  Even leaving His position that is higher, to come down to a lower one daily, to be among us by any means, to walk with us.  God's presence that is the instrument which transforms us, purifying and changing us into His likeness, as we spend time in His presence to know Him, producing in us a full resemblance of His nature and character.  Completing the reversal of relationship with the One True Almighty God of Heaven, indeed to be daily joined to Him for His use and service.

And, the fault finder and accuser, who complains and slanders wrongfully, to vilify with willful misrepresentations, and intent to ruin and destroy, lead into error and cause to wander and stray from safety, virtue and truth by deception.  This same one will be given up to his end and let go from the shore of the safety of God's presence, and put out into open destitution, dearth, scarcity, famine, lack, and hunger;  from the attributes, nature and revelation of God.  Wheresoever his destruction is appointed, therefore, his deceitful testimony moreover, will be tested and examined to completion, until this work is accomplished and ceases.  The purpose and ultimate intent will forever be accomplished and consummated, fully revealing to confirm the price paid eternally.

Also, in complete understanding and fullness of knowledge, in active relationship and having an approving connection with God in intimate union.  Permanently bound to Him to be ruled and governed by His power and authority, protected and defended by Him to belong to Him.  Undefiled, clear, and free from pollution, to glow, gleam, be bright and magnificent.  Moreover, to abide and remain, delivered and restored to commune and rest in connection, joined and coupled to God.  Separation and departure disappear from the earth and heavens, in His presence, never to appear because there is no room for them.

And with full understanding, those living in a state of separation to God and disconnected from the Source of LIfe, even the least of these, also, the greatest, stand in the presence to face God, and the books and records were opened and explained.  Also, another book was opened, that belongs to those living in connection with Christ.  Therefore, in a process leading to a decision, with freedom to decide from one's opinion and choice, to distinguish and discern the works of these who live apart from trusting relationship with God, because they bear all the features and characteristics that possess them inwardly.  The record pertains to their inward commitment and occupation.

So then, to give up, yield and allow the ungodly, which have given themselves wholly to, by all means inwardly, to choose life separate from God, refusing His salvation.  Moreover, the separation reaching an end, even deprived of sight and perception, in disconnected non-existence, will be granted and allowed these same ones, who refuse salvation and choose to live apart from God.  Therefore, the process leads to a decision and choice, from each one on its own, concerning their inward commitment and occupation.

And these cease to function and become dead, and indeed, unable to know and no longer seen, let go and given up to their end, from the shores and safety of God's presence.  Such must need to follow, to remain in this end, to expire reaching their end.

And forasmuch as anyone does not understand and perceive well and good, to give self over wholly by all means, to be permanently owned and possessed entirely by God, to dwell and abide with Him, these will be given up and let go from the nearness of God's presence and care, to their chosen end, to be separated from God.

Definitions derived from:  The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  

* Note:  Each paragraph corresponds to each verse of the chapter.  Another version could be made to flow in its sense without such demarcations, but this one is done to correspond to the original study done in Greek for ease of reference back to the study.

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