Sunday, June 30, 2013

Malachi 4:3  KJV  "And ye shall tread down the wicked;  for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts."

Interpretation based on the following study:  Trample, tread down, flatten and mash to the ground, those disjointed and ill-regulated, tossing in confusion and perpetual agitation, intent on continuing in wickedness and wrongdoing.  Those who love violence and are godless transgressors who deviate and choose not to reconcile to God.   Those who have a corrupt and evil disposition, committing vicious practices.  Those who are guilty and oppress the innocent, who do not repay their debts and lay snares to trap the righteous.  Those who forsake the law of God to praise evil.  Indeed, Yehowah will surely bring to pass and accomplish to fulfill His Word.  These will become dust, worthless, nonexistence, of no effect, ending and cease to become no more, tread down to the lowest depths.  Walk daily and continue always in a state of blessedness, having been made right with the Lord, delivered from condemnation, and entitled to certain inheritance as His child.  He dealt with us and accounted us righteous in His sight, to vindicate and uphold His righteousness in us.  Yehowah accomplished all, to fulfill and keep His Word and Will toward us.

Hebrew: asas rasha kiy haya epher takath kaph regel yowm asher aniy asah amar yehowah tsaba

Definitions/Hebrew Strong's numbers:

6072-awsas:  to squeeze out juice, to trample, tread down, trod down, to step on over and over, to flatten out, to mash into the ground

7563-rasha;  morally wrong, wicked, ungodly, guilty, wrongdoing, being in the wrong, connotes a turbulence and restlessness, disjointed or ill-regulated, tossing and confusion in which the wicked live, perpetual agitation, guilty of crime, unrighteous, iniquity, wickedness, to be or cause to do or declare wrong, to disturb, violate, condemn, vex, departed, hostility to God and His people, living in sin and intent on continuing in wrongdoing, challenges God and loves violence, oppresses others, does not repay debts, lay a snare to trap, murderers, forsake the law of God to praise the wicked, does not seek God, godless, impious, fault, transgressor, to err and deviate, to fold, to fall away, vacillate, wag, to wind and turn, to depart, pernicious in their effects, all who are unreconciled to God, unsanctified or impenitent, in a manner with motive and designs contrary to the divine law, viciously, corruptly, evil disposition or practices, evil practices, corrupt disposition of the heart

3588-kiy:  brand, scar, burning, assuredly, certainly, doubtless, rightly, truly, surely, prick, penetrate, possess, occupy, blazing, shining, to point out, teach, direct, inform, instructed, shew, water, rain, founded, to cover, inculcate, sharpen, teach diligently, guiding power

1961-hayah:  to exist, be, become, come to pass, accomplish, committed, beacon, occur, being or presence of which absence is noticeable, dynamic forces behind and within the action or occurrences, declares the actual release of power so that accomplishment is assured, intent, promise, wish, desire, confirm, setting forth what is desired and intended, God Who made the covenant is also the God Who keeps the covenant, declaration of divine control of all things to bring it to fulfillment, fully satisfy

665-epher:  to bestrew, ashes, in the sense of covering, to surround and encompass, to contain, abstain, refrain, restrained, sense of strength, fortress, defense, to disappear, cease, fail, end, brought to nought, no further, is no more, revolve, turn, concealment, darkness, a strong thing, mighty, sense of weakness, unripe, grown up, reaching its end, soil, dust, worthless, nothing, nonexistence, no effect

8478-takath:  the bottom, depressed, below, underneath, instead, under, flat, humble, low, bottomost, nethermost, lowest, lower parts, depths

3709-kaph:  hollow of the hand or palm, sole, power, hollow, curve, bend, bow down, to cover, expiate, cancel, atone, purge, reconciliation, forgive, cleansed, disannulled, put off, pardon, propitiate, ransom, God alone can provide the atonement for sin by providing Himself as the ransom or substitute to stand in our place to cover over us, protected, satisfy, redeem, merciful

7272-regel:  foot, walking, step, pudenda, follow, leg, lower part, slander and tale bearer, lead about, spy out, back bite

3117-yowm:  to be hot, day, warm hours, daily, ever, continually, always, full, whole, perpetually, remain, time, moment, period

834-asher:  to be straight, to be level, right, happy, to go forward, be honest, prosper, blessed, lead, guide, relieve, state of prosperity and happiness that comes when a superior bestows his favor and blessing, saved by the Lord, the state of that the blessed enjoy does not always appear to be "happy" because happy is the person whom God correcteth and teacheth, in as much as God is concerned about them, right toward God, to be made right, justify, delivered from condemnation and thus entitled to certain inheritance, accounted and dealt with as righteous, judicially cleared of all charges, vindicate, pronouncement of innocence, upholding righteousness in all areas of life following God's example, equity, relationship in agreement, justice in conformity, all that God expects and desires of His children based upon special relationship with Him, rightness, gleam, cheerful, sound clear, rejoice, shine, shout for joy

589-aniy:  I, me, mine, which

6213-asah:  to do, make, wrought, offer, execute, keep, shew, work, perform, maintain, accomplish, appoint, become, commit, bear, bring forth, fashion, fulfill, furnish, gather, govern, grant, provide, serve, create, keep, prepare, acquire, association with, spend, show, practice, ongoing mutual relationship obligating to reciprocal acts, build, bear fruit, production, response to divine command, the acts that demonstrate the inward commitment and therefore the relationship to God, God's acts and words perfectly corresponds so that what He says He does and what He does is what He said, sovereign power of God who originates and regulates all things to His glory, not in vain, to purpose, ordain, mold and form, conception, imagination

559-amar:  to say, speak, answer, command, tell, call, promise, appoint, bid, certify, charge, commune, declare, desire, determine, express, intend, name, publish, require, communicating with the spoken word, authoritative, assign, where God's saying effects the things spoken, behind the divine speaking is divine authority and power, words, pronounce, utter, subdue, arrange, teach entreat, commission, order, focusing on the mode of revelation, counsel, decree, advice, concern, care, record, God's thoughts and will, estate

3068-Yehowah:  Supreme God, Self-Existent and Eternal Almighty Most High Highest God, God Who Effects His Will, the One True God

6635-tsaba:  mass of persons, organized for war, army, worship, service, appointed time, company, host, conflict, work, service which one does for or under a superior rather than for oneself, the heavenly host not only worships God but serves to do all His will, numberless, everything in creation, array, assemble, to serve in worship, establish, fixture, muster

Definitions derived from:  The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  The Complete Word Study Dictionary Old Testament.

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